Puppet Show by Artist Dain Gore
July 13, 4pm + 5pm
Free - During Voluntary Donation Time
Enjoy a live puppet show in the galleries! Phoenix-based artist Dain Q. Gore presents, Eggbert Revisits Phoenix Art Museum, a performance complete with handmade puppets and extra imaginary adventures. This performance is appropriate for children of all ages – and those who are kids at heart.
About Artist Dain Q. Gore
Dain Q. Gore is a painter, professor, and puppeteer. Having studied obscure and bandoned myths of many cultures, he mixes them up and presents them humorously, using a "magpie aesthetic." Alongside teaching, Gore has shown his art from Beijing at the 798 Arts District to Meow Wolf in Santa Fe, and has been performing puppetry for over a decade with The Great Arizona Puppet Theater.
This event is supported in part through the generosity of the Angela and Leonard Singer Endowment for Performing Arts.
Espectáculo de marionetas del artista Dain Gore
Gratis - Durante el tiempo de donación voluntaria
¡Disfruta de un espectáculo de marionetas en vivo en las galerías! El artista de Phoenix, Dain Q. Gore, presenta Eggbert Revisits Phoenix Art Museum (Eggbert vuelve a visitar Phoenix Art Museum), una actuación completa con marionetas hechas a mano y aventuras imaginarias adicionales. Esta actuación es apropiada para niños de todas las edades, y para aquellos que son niños de corazón.
Acerca del artista Dain Q. Gore
Dain Q. Gore es pintor, profesor y titiritero. Habiendo estudiado mitos oscuros y bandoneados de muchas culturas, los mezcla y los presenta con humor, utilizando una "estética de urraca". Además de enseñar, Gore ha mostrado su arte desde Beijing en el 798 Arts District hasta Meow Wolf en Santa Fe, y ha estado representando títeres durante más de una década con The Great Arizona Puppet Theatre.
Este evento es apoyado en parte por la generosidad de Angela and Leonard Singer Endowment for Performing Arts.